Connection Matters

Loneliness week 2023 just finished and it started me thinking…
A striking 45% of adults in England (25 million people) say they feel occasionally, sometimes or often lonely.
Loneliness now affects people in the 16-24 age group the most and women and people from ethnic minorities were impacted the most during covid (Statistics: ONS, UCL Covid-19 Social Study and Campaign To End Loneliness).
Most people experience loneliness at some time in the life, and for many people, sadly it is the norm. As a relationship counsellor, I can honestly say that being in bad relationships can make you feel more lonely than being on your own as long as prioritise other connections in your life.
Not surprising then that even from a recovery perspective, the most effective tool you can have to help with addiction (aside from doing the steps and your higher power) is the power of connection. Connection matters. It’s your bodies way of telling you you aren’t getting your social needs met.
So reach out, to friends, family, relationship therapists, couple counsellors, mentors, get some help… as if you do you might find that people care more than you think! And don’t stay in a bad relationship without at least trying to make it a bit better for yourself.